The event organizer informs visitors about mandatory terms of use for E-tickets which purchaser accepts by buying the ticket:
By purchasing this electronic voucher (ticket) for Pyramid Festival 2025, the purchaser agrees to the listed terms of use and is obliged to follow them.
Using this ticket and entering the festival grounds constitutes acceptance of these terms.
This unique electronic voucher serves as proof that a ticket for Pyramid Festival 2025 has been purchased.
The purchased ticket is the basis for receiving a personalized festival wristband and is linked to the name and details of the purchaser.
The purchaser may buy multiple tickets using one account but is required to provide the details of other ticket holders at the entrance or via email at info@pyramidfestival.com, so that wristbands can be personalized.
Tickets are non-refundable.
Tickets must not be resold or used for commercial purposes without prior written approval from the organizer.
Any unauthorized resale or transfer of tickets for profit will result in ticket cancellation, and the holder may be refused entry or removed from the festival.
The purchaser must enter accurate and truthful information when purchasing the ticket.
At the festival entrance, attendees must present valid identification to receive a personalized festival wristband.
In case the information on the ID does not match the ticket, the attendee may be required to pay the difference for the appropriate ticket price if necessary.
Lost, stolen, destroyed, or undelivered tickets cannot be replaced or refunded.
In case of a damaged wristband, a replacement can be issued on-site upon presenting the damaged wristband, the original ticket, and valid identification.
Without the damaged wristband, no replacement will be issued.
Wristband personalization is implemented for the safety of all festival attendees.
Festival wristbands must be worn at all times.
If a wristband is not worn or is damaged/modified, attendees will be asked to replace the wristband, purchase a new ticket, or leave the festival.
Minors under the age of 18 are not allowed to enter without a parent or guardian.
Tickets for minors aged 12 to 18 can be purchased with discounted price. A written parental or guardian consent, or presence of the parent or guardian is needed for minors to enter.
Consent should be sent via email to info@pyramidfestival.com or presented at the gates in order to claim your bracelet.
Entry is free for minors under 12 years of age, but only if accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Bringing food and drinks to the festival is allowed only in non-commercial quantities.
The organizer reserves the right to refuse entry to the festival.
Bag and personal searches may be conducted at the entrance for the safety of all attendees.
It is forbidden to bring illegal substances, weapons, or other dangerous items.
Entry to the festival is at the visitor's own risk.
The organizer and venue owners are not responsible for any loss or damage to property or persons during the festival.
Visitors are aware that the festival grounds may contain natural and artificial obstacles that pose risks.
It is strictly forbidden to light fires, use candles, camping stoves, or other open flames on festival grounds.
Please help prevent fires by adhering to these rules.
But if you ask us, we’d say avoid high heels. It’s just won’t be that comfy. It’s better to opt for something more casual. Basically any comfortable shoes and clothes will do.
It is not recommended to bring animals to the festival.
This measure is in place for the safety of both animals and attendees.
Any unauthorized sales, promotions, or trading on festival grounds are prohibited.
The organizer reserves the right to remove anyone violating these rules from the festival, with the possibility of confiscating illegally brought goods or materials.
Photography, video, or audio recording of the festival for commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written approval from the organizer.
Drones are not allowed.
Visitors agree that they may be photographed or filmed for promotional purposes and the creation of official festival materials.
Any visitor who does not follow instructions from festival staff or behaves contrary to the peaceful atmosphere of the festival may be removed.
The festival promotes values such as unity, music, peace, art, ecology, and culture.
Tickets are sold under the condition that the organizer has the right to change or alter performers and/or the festival program without the obligation to refund money or exchange tickets.
In the event of force majeure (war, unrest, epidemics, natural disasters, etc.), the organizer may cancel the festival without the obligation to refund money.
Prolonged exposure to loud music may cause hearing damage. Please bring ear protection.
The festival may use lighting effects that include strobe lights.
The organizer reserves the right to modify these terms if circumstances or legal requirements necessitate it.
By purchasing the ticket, the purchaser agrees to the listed terms and is obliged to comply with them.
The organizer is not responsible for any problems or potential material or immaterial damages that may arise from unauthorized access to the purchaser’s email, printing, copying, selling, or losing the electronic voucher or its printed copies.
Even though the voucher is in electronic form, treat it as a physical ticket and keep it in a safe place.
E-vouchers should be purchased only from authorized sellers.
Any unauthorized sale and resale of electronic vouchers or their printed copies is punishable and will be prosecuted in accordance with applicable regulations, before the competent court.
Any misuse of this electronic voucher will be prosecuted in accordance with applicable regulations.
The responsible person will be prosecuted before the competent court.
During ordering, selling, purchasing, and issuing of electronic vouchers, only the electronic database of the authorized seller is valid.
Please respect your environment, other visitors, and nature.
Be part of a positive and regenerative community.
We and nature are one.