Get ready for RAVE. We welcome the great Ben Klock at AMC HALL on May 11.

O događaju

An unforgettable experience, and Ben Klock, a true icon in the genre, will be headlining it. The event kicks off at 22:00 in AMC Hall, Prishtina, where RAVE will also be revealing a new and special stage for you.

To secure your spot at the RAVE Festival, purchase your tickets now at this special price, before the increase.

Detalji o događaju
  • Datum i vreme održavanja
    subota 11. maja 2024. 22.00
  • Traje do
    nedelja 12. maja 2024. 07.00
  • Lokacija
  • Vrsta događaja
  • Organizator

    RAVE SH.P.K.

Podeli događaj sa prijateljima