EXIT | 10-13 jul 2025, Petrovaradinska tvrđava, Novi Sad
EXIT | 10-13 jul 2025, Petrovaradinska tvrđava, Novi Sad
EXIT je višestruko nagrađivani muzički festival koji se održava na Petrovaradinskoj tvrđavi u Novom Sadu. Sa više od 1000 umetnika na preko 40 bina i festivalskih zona, EXIT je sinonim za nezaboravne trenutke, muzičku raznolikost i festivalski duh koji spaja generacije.
Naredne, 2025. godine EXIT će proslaviti svoj 25. rođendan, a Petrovaradinska tvrđava će od 10. do 13. jula postati centar svetske muzičke scene. Naredno izdanje obećava kvantni skok u festivalskom iskustvu, spektakularnu proslavu i nove, nezaboravne uspomene.
EXIT is an award-winning summer music festival that takes place at the Petrovaradin Fortress in Novi Sad, Serbia, with more than 1000 artists who play at over 40 stages and festival zones. EXIT is synonymous with unforgettable moments, musical diversity, and a festival spirit that connects generations.
In 2025, EXIT will celebrate its 25th anniversary, transforming Petrovaradin Fortress into the epicenter of the global music scene from July 10 to 13. The upcoming edition promises a quantum leap in the festival experience, a spectacular celebration, and the creation of new, unforgettable memories.
U okviru EXIT FESTIVAL 2025 pretprodaje ulaznica, Organizator ograničava pravo kupovine ulaznica i korišćenja narukvica isključivo na državljane Republike Srbije ili strane državljane sa urednom prijavom prebivališta u Republici Srbiji (ne odnosi se na turističku prijavu boravka niti na prijavu boravišta) saglasno važećim propisima Republike Srbije.
As part of the EXIT FESTIVAL 2025 ticket presales, the Organizer limits the right of ticket purchase and use of festival wristbands to exclusively the citizens of the Republic of Serbia, and foreign citizens that hold a permanent registration of residence in the Republic of Serbia (this does not include the tourist registration of stay) in accordance to applicable regulations for foreigners staying in the Republic of Serbia.
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