EXIT | 10-14 jul 2024, Petrovaradinska tvrđava, Novi Sad
EXIT | 10-14 jul 2024, Petrovaradinska tvrđava, Novi Sad
EXIT je višenagrađivani letnji muzički festival koji se održava svake godine na Petrovaradinskoj tvrđavi, u Novom Sadu. Sa više od 1000 umetnika koji sviraju na preko 40 bina i festivalskih zona, EXIT je jedan od najeklektičnijih, vodećih muzičkih festivala u regionu.
Dvadeset godina je prošlo otkako je EXIT proglasio svoju državu, koja istovremeno predstavlja metaforičku zemlju sa svojim pasošima i granicama u vidu zidina Petrovaradinske tvrđave, ali i stanje duha stotina hiljada njenih građana, koji svakog jula kreću na muzičko hodočašće u Novi Sad i Srbiju iz preko 100 zemalja sveta. Festival je 2023. prerastao svoje metaforičko stanje i postao sopstveni univerzum, EXIT Univerzum, u kom ljudi osećaju slobodu, ljubav i pripadnost.
Za 23 godine postojanja, EXIT je mnogima postao dom, koji svake godine nastavljaju da posećuju, vole i neguju.
I ove godine EXIT će se useliti na Tvrđavu i doneti svoju magiju od 11. do 14. jula! Ovo je mesto gde svako od VAS pripada, mesto gde živi zajedništvo, gde muzika pobeđuje sve, sa svetskim muzičkim zvezdama i četiri neverovatna dana u kojima nas sloboda vodi ka najboljim verzijama sebe.
Prve večeri festivala, četvrtak 11. jul, Petrovaradinsku tvrđavu otvoriće ikona trep kulture Gucci Mane, kralj elektronske scene Carl Cox, Klangkuenstler, Rudim3ntal, Dub FX, Franky Wah, Henry Saiz, Sama’ Abdulhadi, Villagers Of Ionna Citty, Yotto, i mnogi drugi.
Petak, 12. jul obeležiće apsolutne legende Black Eyed Peas, Chloe Caillet, Kobosil, Coroner, zatim Joker Out, uz niz drugih izvođača iz svih muzičkih žanrova.
U subotu, 13. jula festival će razdrmati John Newman, Maceo Plex, Kenya Grace, I Hate Models, Patrick Mason, The Exploited, i Willy William kao i brojni drugi izvođači koji će doneti jedinstvenu soničnu fuziju na Petrovaradinsku tvrđavu.
Veliki finiš na ovogodišnje izdanje EXIT festivala, u nedelju 14. jula doneće legendarni gitarista Tom Morello, house maestro Black Coffe, Steve Angello, Bonobo, Sara Landry, Barry Can’t Swim, Ian Asher i još mnogo svetskih i regionalnih giganata muzičke scene.
Sve informacije o EXIT 2024 Day 0 | Najčešća pitanja i odgovori:Exit dan 0
EXIT is an award-winning summer music festival that takes place every year at the Petrovaradin Fortress, a historic monument in Novi Sad, Serbia, overlooking the Danube river. With more than 1000 artists who play at over 40 stages and festival zones, EXIT is one of the most eclectic, leading music festivals in the region.
Twenty years have passed since EXIT declared "State of EXIT", which at the same time represents a metaphorical country with its passports and borders in the form of the walls of the Petrovaradin Fortress, but also the state of mind of hundreds of thousands of its citizens, who embark on a musical pilgrimage to Novi Sad and Serbia, every July, from over 100 countries around the world. In 2023 the festival outgrew its metaphorical state and became a Universe of its own where people feel freedom, love and belonging.
In its 23 years of existence, EXIT became a home to many, which they continue to visit, love and nurture each year.
Now it’s continuing in the same rhythm, from 11-14 July, at the beautiful Petrovaradin Fortress! This is the place where every one of YOU belongs, the place where togetherness lives, where music conquers all, it really is the EXIT state of mind with international music stars and four amazing days where freedom guides us to our best selves.
On the first night of the festival, Thursday, July 11th, the Petrovaradin Fortress will be opened by the icon of trap culture, Gucci Mane, the king of the electronic scene Carl Cox, Klangkuenstler, Rudim3ntal, Dub FX, Franky Wah, Henry Saiz, Sama’ Abdulhadi, Villagers Of Ionna Citty, Yotto, and many others.
Friday, July 12th, will be marked by the absolute legends Black Eyed Peas, Chloe Caillet, Kobosil, Coroner, as well as Joker Out, along with a variety of other performers from all music genres.
Saturday, July 13th, will shake the festival with John Newman, Maceo Plex, Kenya Grace, I Hate Models, Patrick Mason, The Exploited, and Willy William, along with numerous other performers who will bring a unique sonic fusion to the Petrovaradin Fortress.
The grand finale of this year's EXIT festival, on Sunday, July 14th, will feature the legendary guitarist Tom Morello, house maestro Black Coffee, Steve Angello, Bonobo, Sara Landry, Barry Can’t Swim, Ian Asher, and many other global and regional giants of the music scene.
All Information About EXIT 2024 Day 0 | Frequently Asked Questions: Exit day 0
U okviru EXIT FESTIVAL 2024 pretprodaje ulaznica, Organizator ograničava pravo kupovine ulaznica i korišćenja narukvica isključivo na državljane Republike Srbije ili strane državljane sa urednom prijavom prebivališta u Republici Srbiji (ne odnosi se na turističku prijavu boravka niti na prijavu boravišta) saglasno važećim propisima Republike Srbije.
As part of the EXIT FESTIVAL 2024 ticket presales, the Organizer limits the right of ticket purchase and use of festival wristbands to exclusively the citizens of the Republic of Serbia, and foreign citizens that hold a permanent registration of residence in the Republic of Serbia (this does not include the tourist registration of stay) in accordance to applicable regulations for foreigners staying in the Republic of Serbia.
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