Pozivamo vas da doživite magiju AWARË-a na njihovom prvom koncertu u Beogradu!
Pozivamo vas da doživite magiju AWARË-a na njihovom prvom koncertu u Beogradu!
Predstavljamo veče koje obećava da bude jedno od najposebnijih muzičkih iskustava u Srbiji. Vidimo se 12. oktobra u 20h, u prostoru nekadašnjeg kultnog bioskopa Balkan.
AWARË nije samo koncert—već pravo muzičko putovanje koje izlazi iz okvira svakodnevnih formi. Ovaj neverovatni dvojac zajedno sa publikom u ko- kreaciji, stvara svoju muziku svaki put iznova, od zajedničke sinergije, pravi iskustvo koje se pamti i prepričava. Kombinovanjem različitih instrumenata, tišine, ritmova i harmonije, stvaraju atmosferu koja vas inspiriše da se prepustite plesu, pevanju i uživanju u muzici koja dodiruje sva čula.
Posle mnogobrojnih koncerata širom sveta, Tuluma, Ibize, Dubai-ja, i Bali-ja, AWARË dolazi u Beograd da pokaže zašto su njihovi nastupi rasprodati na globalnom nivou. Ne propustite priliku da postanete deo nečeg posebnog. Osigurajte svoje mesto sada i pripremite se za nezaboravno iskustvo sa AWARË-om.
We invite you to experience the magic of AWARË at their first concert in Belgrade! We are delighted to present you an evening that promises to be one of the most profound musical experiences in Serbia. It takes place in the art space of the former iconic Balkan cinema on October 12, starting at 8 p.m.
AWARË is not just a concert—but a musical journey that goes beyond today's everyday conventional forms, an incredible duo together with the audience in co-creation, creates their music every time anew, and from the joint synergy, creates an experience that is remembered and retold. Mixing different instruments, playing with silence, different rhythms and harmony create an atmosphere that forces you to a liberating experience through dancing, singing and music that makes you shiver from head to toe.
After numerous concerts around the world, in Tulum, Ibiza, Dubai, and Bali, Aware musica is coming to Belgrade, to show why this live performance is sold out globally. Don't miss this rare opportunity to be part of something truly exceptional. Secure your spot now and prepare to be moved, inspired and uplifted by the magic of AWARË.
LEVANT d.o.o.
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